Customer Testimonials
I picked up a bottle of Sting Ray Bloody Mary Mixer as an impulse while at a local market. I love my bloody mary drinks, and have tried many prepared mixes. To my pleasant surprise, this was simply the best bloody mary mix I have ever tasted. Deceptively simple in taste, yet surprisingly complex in flavor. Since I will be unable to replicate such a delightful taste, I have resigned myself to many years of purchasing Sting Ray Bloody Mary Mix from Blue Crab Bay Co.
Jeff in New Hampshire
My wife and I recently moved from Virginia to Montana to be closer to her family. It's only been a few months, but I miss Virginia and the Eastern Shore. I found a little store here that sells your Crab House Nuts, I bought their only three tins. I eat them slowly as they remind me of "home," we always had these at family events. Now that we're fully unpacked I will soon be ordering some more of you delicious tins of "memories." Thank you for a wonderful product and Internet ordering.
Kevin in Montana
We tend to go a bit overboard at the holiday season when we express our gratitude to our clients. For years we have been giving gifts from Blue Crab Bay and in return receiving lots of thanks and appreciation. Last year, we went the way of the mail order fruit companies. Well, our customers were polite and said thank you. But the excitement of not getting items from Blue Crab Bay left us with lackluster expressions of gratitude. We learned our lesson and I just finished my Blue Crab Bay shopping in less than 20 minutes and UNDER budget. This holiday season, we expect a sparkling return to the traditional enthusiastic thank-you's we are so accustomed to when we give the special flavors of the Chesapeake to our friends.
Robert S. Saline, CEO Pennsylvania
We made your recipe for Leftover Corned Beef & Cabbage Casserole with the Snug Harbor Bloody Mary Mixer, and it was fab!! Having seconds of it tonight. Love the idea of your adding recipes for your great products. My sister-in-law is hooked on your products, too, thus I send her your gifts for the holidays! Best wishes to you!
Greg in Arizona
How exciting, everything arrived in superb condition, many thanks to the packing department at your end. I look forward to ordering more goods from you soon.
Dianne in New Zealand
Your company is the BEST for customer service! I just ran home and opened the peanuts. They are exactly as in your tasting room, perfect. I will be singing your praises to my friends and family.
Gwen in Idaho
I had the distinct pleasure of visiting your store en route from Norfolk to Philadelphia last year and picked up some items. Since then, I've encouraged all my friends to check out your website. I'm now an addict of the Crab House Crunch and will be contacting you about ordering by the case. Again, thanks for such a wonderful product line. P.S. The clam dip is the best ...
Elaine in Pennsylvania
Your staff and customer service are so good it's mind-boggling -- I'd forgotten what really excellent customer service is like!
Mary Kathryn in Virginia
Wow, Blue Crab Bay just hit a major home run with these nuts!! I purchased a can for each of my co-workers as a holiday treat and they loved them!!! They had been given a can of similar nuts produced by a different company, but also with sea salt and pepper. They tried them beside the was no contest! The Sandbaggers won "hands down" because they had more flavor and were more "crisp". They were just so much better it was amazing!
Lori from Salem, VA