$12.99Crab House Crunch is a all time favorite of ours! That hard to resist combo of sweet and spicy make these peanut...
$10.99Gourmet Virginia peanuts are cooked in oil and seasoned with our spicy Chesapeake Bay Seasoning. Perfect for those...Buy Now Details
$10.99A spicy and mouthwatering snack mix made with our Crab House Nuts, oat bran sticks, cheddar fish shaped crackers,...
$10.99If salty snacks are what you crave, then our top selling peanut is the ticket. Gourmet Virginia peanuts cooked in oil...
$10.99Sandbaggers are gourmet Virginia peanuts that have been dusted with sea salt and cracked black pepper and are sure to...
Featured on NBC's TODAY Show! We offer a variety of certified Virginia's Finest, super-extra-large Virginia peanuts, many spiced with our Chesapeake Bay Seasoning. We also have old-fashioned peanut squares and a tasty pub mix!